As the term winds down and people start to plan for the Christmas period, I’d like to thank all our readers of this blog for their interest and engagement.
At Ofsted we place huge importance on communication about inspection. Over the year you will have read of the independent complaints panel we have introduced, about short inspections, inspection timescales, government proposals for Ofsted inspections and much more.
In May I wrote of my SLT chat about teacher workload. And I hope you will not have missed the emphasis we have placed on busting myths about Ofsted over this year.
We know that the five most popular blogs have been on –
short inspections
updates to school inspection handbooks
busting myths on Ofsted inspections
dispelling the rumours around inspection
school governors and inspection.
Next year, along with our usual announcements on this blog, I would like to look in detail at what more you, as teachers and senior leaders of schools, want to know about inspection.
What are the burning issues? Are there more myths out there that need busting? Do new intakes of teachers have different questions?
I know that any inspection is going to be a tense time. Are there any elements of inspection practice that require more clarity, or areas and subjects that need more explanation?
Engagement and communication with all of you is important to us. So please do get in touch and let us know how we can get better at both. In the meantime, I hope you can all enjoy a well-deserved break over the Christmas period to recharge your batteries ready for the New Year.
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